

I have a doppelganger. I see him around campus. Like a well-oiled machine, he is always attentive in class, is always on task whenever preparing for tests and working on assignments, and is always the centre of attention of his social circles provoking the laughs and words of all those around him. Although we share all our classes, I still feel like I see him a bit too often. Sometimes, I even feel that he is, in fact, following me around, casually slipping into my field of vision whenever I poke my head up for air.

But I do find one thing strange, if he is truly following me, why is it that I always see him first? He always seems to be in the room before I am, already studying as I set up my laptop at the library, already engaged in some intricate conversation before I even see anyone I could even converse with. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given that our souls, myself and my clone, are inexorably linked. And, since he always ends up one step ahead, thanks to his limitless resourcefulness, it is only natural that only remnants and scraps await me when I finally reach the dinner table; the cosmic balance must be maintained, after all.

I bear no ill will towards him, of course. He is living his own life and does so seemingly well. But, I wonder, does he, from his glimpses of me when I am on the examining table, view me with the same acceptance?

I don't really know. Who can truly say what is in the hearts of others? But, for me, if I were in his position, I would have nothing but venomous disdain: for my lackadaisical work ethic, for my obstinate inattention, for my complete lack of social maneuverability. Should he find my imprint somehow lingering in his consciousness, that acute disdain would undoubtedly fester into a chronic frustration before transforming finally into a fulminate rage.

"What rubbish. Truly man can take an example from this poor chap as how one ought never live. Does he not know that what is lukewarm is completely unpalatable and immediately rejected? In a world such as ours, how can we permit such a lowly serf as him to impede our earnest efforts? Surely, for the sake of justice, the swift eradication of him and his ilk would be our only acceptable recourse. And, I, the quintessence of this world, would be happy to play the role of their reaper. With such noble purposes in mind, I would swoop in with my weapon of choice and inflict the requisite mortal wounds (and a bit extra for good measure as well as a statement of my own resolute conviction on the matter) to each and every one of those parasitic insects who think it somehow be ever tenable to live in such a squalid manner. Woe to them whom think it wise to hesitate and loiter. Society has no place for such vacuous entities."

Um, something like that, maybe?

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